Monday 14 November 2011

For Kal

From myself and Venice Rain.
Happy birthday.

Kallista Pendragon walked slowly down the darkened alleyway, being as cautious as she possibly could, and doing her best to stalk the man who was her target. So far, she was doing well.
Well, apart from the giggling.
Kal was trying very hard not to laugh, very hard indeed, but the man had a funny walk. And bad hair. Well, most of his hair was bad. The rest was gone.
Kal saw a cat scamper across a gap in the large containers. Why did he have to go to a dock, she wondered. Couldn't he have gone to somewhere not creepy and not easy to get lost in?
Regardless, she saw him nip into one of the rows of iron boxes, and she too turned the same corner.
She only lost sight of the man for a second, but she still had enough time to catch a glimpse of him again, before he nipped down another column.
Kallista sprinted after him this time, unwilling to lose him, and she turned every corner he turned, went up every column of containers he did, followed him every step of the way.
He was too fast, though. He turned one corner, and Kal thought she had lost him, until she saw that the door of one of the containers was ever so slightly ajar. Grinning, she walked over slowly, cautiously, to the door, before pulling it open sharply. She struck a dramatic, "HAH, I FOUND YOU" pose, and pointed her finger at where she expected the man to be.
Kal looked around the container, which was somehow much larger on the inside. Hellboy, still panting, removed the wig and coat he had been wearing.
"Damn," he puffed. "You're quick."
Looking around the container, she could see all of her friends, except for the boy she most wanted to see.
And then the cake exploded.

Naturally, Venice was standing closest to the cake. Others shrieked and laughed and jumped. Niall, after checking she was okay, shook his head
“What a waste of cake.” She glowered at him.
Kal went around hugging and nooging everyone one by one, and again if she felt like it. Eventually she made a bee-line for Venice and Niall, who were whispering into a small device, looking unhappy.
“Whats the problem!?” she was putting on a happy face, but she knew the answer to the question. Venice took Kallistas hand in hers.
“Well, Kal. You know how you love Octa?” her sister in all but blood nodded. “well, hes… Kal, hes…”at that point, Venice buried her head into Nialls shoulder.
He took over.
“Kal, look, hes behind you!” Kallista whirled, and the love of her life caught her by her shoulders, resplendent in a suit lined with purple… and a massive purple bow that looked as though it had only recently been attached.
“Dammit Octa, you were supposed to be behind the cake!!”
Kal and Octa started hugging happily, and so Lego started shooing people out good naturedly, along with Ann-Marie and Skyril, leaving them with dimmed lights and a picnic of epica proportions.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Hallowe'en (trick or) Treat!

AN: I just know I'll have left somebody out here. I tried to give
everyone at least a passing mention, but it's hard. -_-
If it happens to be you I've left out, leave a comment and I'll add
you in.
I'm very sorry.

"So, the food's there, the drinks are there, the movies start at ten,
and the awful CD of Halloween music I burnt is on the stereo. Go,"
Niall said, making shooing motions with his hands. "Go, be free. I
command it."
The other people in the apartment cheered and the small talk
continued. As odd as the people were already, they were eem worse when
dressed up for the last day of October. Kallista the bunny rabbit was
talking to Quinn the Werewolf, two Klingons (Octa and Pyro) were
having a gentle headbutting contest in the corner, and Gepard- dressed
as Brock from the Pokémon anime- was trying to chat up Frankenstein-
NJ. Ann wandered around helping out, dressed a female version of
Alphonse Elric. She was engaged in a deep philosophical debate with
Lego, who was dressed as Edward Elric. It was actually quite amusing
how their costumes synched up like that. Byrony, Ayesha, Mar, Rue and
Lilith all sat around the coffee table, rolling dice and arguing good-
naturedly. They'd found the D&D red box, and were rolling themselves
up characters. Nicolette and Skyril were trying to decide who had the
best Tom Baker scarf, and Thalia was trying her best to shoot Lunar in
the face on whatever FPS was in the console.
Even Niall, who was always reluctant to make an assclown of himself,
had donned a costume for the party.
Resplendant in a pristine, albeit brown suit and top hat, he was as
good a Professor Layton as it was possible to be.
He still looked like a bally nincompoop, though.
As he was trying to get the CD to stop skipping, there came a knocking
at the door. He walked over to open it, and was delighted when he saw
that it was Venice. Resisting the urge to hug her, he settled for
"I thought you couldn't come!"
"It appears I lied.
"I'm glad," Niall smiled. "And you're a... Serving wench?"
"Pirate, but close enough," she replied witheringly. "What's going on?" she asked, peering
over his shoulder.
"We have bad food and worse music and the B-movies start at ten."
"Good times."


The B-Movies started at ten, but nobody was ready for them until
twenty past. The lights had been turned off, and people were strewn
around the room. Some lying, some sitting, some standing.
M&Ms and popcorn lay dissolving in puddles of various fizzy drinks.
Niall knew he'd have to get in professional cleaners after the party,
and, frankly, he didn't care. Everyone was having too much fun to care.
"Everyone shush," said Gepard loudly. "I'm trying to watch this."
"She dies at the end!" Kal yelled, pointing at the screen.
"He's actually Satan," shouted Isabella.
"That actor's German," Aquila threw into the conversation.
"He gets turned into a zombie," said Jasmine and Iris simultaneously.
"That guy," added Darkane, pointing at a different person onscreen.
"shoots that girl."
"Spoilers," said Dragona, before flopping down onto the carpet. He
immediately sat up again, as he had flopped down into one of the
puddles of food and fizz. Unbeknownst to him, pieces of popcorn still
clung to his shirt.
There came an insistent thudding at the door of the apartment. It came
during a relatively silent part of the film, and several people
jumped. One or two even screamed a little.
Niall hit mute.
"Who is it?" he yelled.
The thing gave no response but a series of muffled words. Niall
thought he heard the words "eight" and "band" in there, but he
couldn't have been sure. Regardless, it continued thumping.
Niall gently removed Venice from his knee, and got up off of his
chair, walking over to the door.
Sliding the chain closed before he opened the door, he placed his hand
on the doorknob.
The room was quiet, and the atmosphere was tense.
Slowly, carefully, cautiously, he turned the knob.
The thing hit the door as hard as it could. The chain pulled taut, but
did not break, keeping the door from opening out more than a few inches.
Peering into the gloom, Niall could make out the shape of a small boy.
He sighed. "It's only Zombie," he yelled back at the partygoers,
before closing the door in Zombie's face. The small talk continued
anew, but loud swearwords shouted by a boy whose voice had not yet
broken floated in through the door.
Everyone ignored them.

(Author's Note: Sorry Zombie. I may have been a bit harsh.)