Thursday, 17 March 2011

Origins- Chapter 1- School

Chapter One:
In Which We Are Introduced to Niall and Dianne

Niall held the two sections of his glasses in his hands, whilst his friend Dianne went into the Art room to get some tape. When she emerged from the classroom holding a roll of Sellotape, he immediately used it to stick his glasses back together.

"Man, you should really stop picking on the bullies," said Dianne.

"He deserved it, and I only insulted his parentage and his mother's occupation..."

"You said his father was a gorilla and his mother was-"

"I know what I said, and it was undeniably hilarious."

"Yeah, I guess it was," Dianne conceded. "Was it worth breaking your glasses for?"

"For sure," Niall grinned.

"Well, it's three thirty now, so we should probably leave school..."

"I guess you're right."

Niall and Dianne walked out of the school, Niall thinking of comebacks that would have been funnier, and Dianne worrying for his health. She started to worry a lot more once she saw the bully Niall had insulted waiting for them. Simon Cassidy fancied himself as a hardass, and to most people, he was. He was about six foot five, and his shaven head made him look like a henchman in a Bond movie. Niall despised bullies, and Cassidy threw his weight around more than anyone else in the school. Niall, however, had found a chink in the bully's armour. The bully was an idiot, and Niall knew it.

"Hey, Four Eyes!" shouted the thug.

"Cassidy, nobody over the age of eight says 'Four Eyes' anymore. Next time, try this one: 'Hey, I love your glasses, they cover up part of your face.' Use that one, it's funnier," Niall said without stopping.

The thug's face contorted in confusion. "You makin' fun o' me?"

"Indeed I am, why?"

Cassidy's face contorted again, this time in anger. "You think you're so big, don't you?" he asked.

"No, I'm about average height. You're big. I'm just smart."

Cassidy was dumb, but he was smart enough to know when a line had been crossed. He squared up to Niall
menacingly. "You wanta fight me?"

"No, Cassidy, but if I were going to fight you, I'd go for the eyes, groin and soft tissues, so I'd probably win."

"Niall, you're pushing your luck," Dianne said, tugging Niall's sleeve.

Niall turned to leave, but Cassidy shouted at him. Niall started to walk away with Dianne, but Cassidy was ready to go.

"Nerd boy, come back here!" Cassidy was visibly upset that he wouldn't be getting his fight, but Niall continued to walk on.

"If I can't get you, I'll get the girl!"

That made Niall turn. "What was that?"

"I said, 'I'll get the girl'," said Cassidy, pleased to have drawn a reaction.

"No you won't," said Niall in retort, before squaring up to Cassidy. "Remember what I said about soft tissue? Look forward to that."

"Niall, you don't have to do this," Dianne whispered.

"I kind of do," Niall replied, before turning to Cassidy. "Ready when you are."

Cassidy's fist slammed into Niall's face and his glasses broke again.

"Goddammit, now I can't see! You win."

Cassidy smirked. "This isn't over yet."

The punch came so hard and so fast, Niall felt like he'd kissed a moving train.

1 comment:

  1. wow awesome! need more, cant just leave us hangin like that!
