Thursday 17 March 2011

Origins- Prologue

Chapter 0
In which we are introduced to an American

"Officer Candy, we're going to have to transfer you to Ireland," said the neutral voice on the other end of the phone.

Candy rubbed his bristly white beard and considered the statement.

"You gonna tell me why?", he asked.

"... I'm afraid that I can't do that, officer."

"I thought as much."

For a while, there was silence, and Candy took the opportunity to pour himself a shot of whisky.

"Officer Candy?"


"Are you taking the job?" The voice had managed to keep the neutral tone for the duration of the call.

"Do I have a choice?"

"... No."

"Well then, I'll do it," Candy answered.

"Good. We have a plane waiting for you at Houston Airport. It leaves in an hour."

Candy sighed. "Fine," he said exasperatedly.

"Goodbye, Officer Candy."

Candy didn't have time to say "Bye" back before they hung up.

"Come on Minerva, we're going to Ireland."

Minerva, Candy's cat, mewed at him, before obediently getting into her travel cage. She knew the drill. Candy couldn't help but smile at his pet, before he got his coat, gun, and stetson. He packed his suitcase, picked up Minerva's cage, and left for the Airport.


  1. Ohhhh! Mysterious!

    So many questions!

    Although it was short, it was good writing! The description was perfect!

  2. "Do I have a choice?"

    "... No."


  3. Awesomeness! I can't wait to read more... I am most intrigued. XD

  4. I can't wait for more! that kitty sounds so cute :3

  5. LOL AWESOME!!!!!!!! its short but still..i cant wait to read more!!!! XDDDD
